I don’t know why I blog so little these years. All the processing of my little-baby years is done, maybe? I don’t have the urgency to blog when I have FB?
I don’t want to just make this an FB post though. I want to make it a memory on here.
Today Skyla was working on her AWANA book, and she came over to ask me “what day was that?”
Me: “What?”
And she pointed to a question on the page where she had to write down when she trusted Christ as her Savior (or something like that, I don’t remember the wording in Russian).
Me: “You did that?”
Her: “Yes, that day in Magelan, remember?” (that’s the name of our mall.)
And I remembered. It was a day I read aloud something from Acts, I think it was Peter’s sermon in Acts 2, and Skyla was distressed by it. We walked to Magelan to sit together and read, and she started crying a bit and couldn’t speak well. And as I inquired about this, she said– “Because it’s TRUE!”
I don’t even remember the details of the conversation, but it was about the gospel and how God wants to save us, and I think she prayed– I have such a foggy memory of it.
But she sees that as the day she became a follower.
I don’t get all strict with dates and particuar prayers and phrases. But I just want to say I’m thankful for learning about this work of God in my child’s heart. I pray for them, for their salvations, for Christ to be fully formed in them– which is a lot more than just a prayer of salvation, you know, though it starts there often.
So I just wanted to record this act of God. And I’m thankful He gave me insight, so I partially see His answers to my prayers. I will keep praying.