AMH: Andrew Murray Homeschooling

It’s a new philosophy, ya’ll.


That’s a joke 😀

Earlier this year, I read Murray’s With Christ in the School of Prayer, and I wrote some quotes down to pray over in my prayer pages. One quote is this:

Take possession of my heart, and fill it with the desire to glorify God in the gathering, sanctification, and union of those whom the Father has given You [the Son].

Weeks ago, when I first read that, my honest reaction was, man, how boring is that? Because wow, there are a lot more interesting things to aim for and think about now, aren’t there?

Well, then I tried to be more spiritual and have a neutral reaction.

But then I was also impressed to write that into my prayer pages and pray over it, because really, isn’t that what God is really interested in and actually doing on earth here?!?!  And God’s been working on my heart, trying to teach me to be His friend and be interested in what He is interested in, rather than just kind of demanding that He be interested in what interests me.

God is so patient, you know? Sheesh.

Take possession of my heart.

Fill it with the desire to glorify You

in 1) the gathering, 2) sanctification, 3) and union of those whom the Father has given You.

And as I wrote out this prayer, it blazed upon me that this, this! is the guiding plan for our home generally and my homeschooling in particular–that I and my kids will be saved, sanctified and unified with the Body and Person of Christ.

It’s nothing new, but like I learned in Creative Writing, we don’t write new things, we just express old truths in new ways.

God is laying the foundation, ya’ll. A wise woman builds her house, and unless God builds the house, the workers labor in vain.

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