seeing God in political messes

A lot of people are upset about politics right now.

It’s time to shine, Christian.

We’re feeling caught in political crosswinds ourselves, and I want to share God’s comfort and direction. Because it might be a word for you.

First, why can I talk to you about this? Vitaliy is Ukrainian, you know, and we’re planning a big trip to the States this fall and into next year. So, he goes to renew his visa two weeks ago, and lo and behold, it’s refused. I re-do his application, and he goes again. We have mega-loads of papers that are not even looked at. Both times.

It’s just “No. Perhaps you should try getting a religious visa. Or a Green Card.”

Is it Trump? Is it just an evolving political situation where governmental preferences about international personages morph?

I don’t know the answer to either of those questions, but I do know the answer to a more imoprtant question– that it’s ultimately God and His purposes.

There’s no guarantee that Vitaliy will get a Green Card, you know. So I’ve been laying myself down before God. Just laying down. Trying to listen.

And He speaks. He spoke through a Bible study I’m doing– that in this crisis of belief, He is acting out His plan, and I need to join it. Will I see all these next steps as Anne-sized jobs that just need to get done? Or will I see it as a God-sized work that will get done no other way unless He does it?

I’m shooting for the second option now.

And He spoke through Matthew 14– the beheading of John the Baptist. Sheesh, what a swirl of earthly whims and factors. A vengeful wife, a dancing daughter, a proud ruler who won’t modify his word.

It doesn’t even say in the text, “It was God’s time for John to die, so…” Nothiing comforting like that. Nada.  Just the sinful motives and actions of three humans colluding into John’s demise.

Jesus was told pretty immediately what had happened, and He went away to be alone, of course, like all of us would want.

But in the giant will of God, refreshment and comfort came in an entirely different way. Through amazing miracles and acts of God.

All in the same chapter, on the same or next day, look what happens: Jesus healed sick people all day, then fed thousands with five loaves and two fish. Then Jesus walked on water and so did Peter! “Then those who were in the boat worshipped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” Then they landed, and it was another day of miraculous healings.

So, this visa. Or Green Card. Or nothing. This being caught in political whims, morphs, and crosswinds….

Help us refesh ourselves by seeing the work You have prepard for us.

If you’re feeling angry and frustrated with politics, I highly recommend lying yourself down before God. Lying down before news articles, angry people on either side, drinking down the wisdom of the age …. no. Lie down before God. He will raise you up to shiine.

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